
Friday, October 19, 2012

Sisters Room

Silently I crept through the hallway from my room and headed down the hall. Just a few moments ago I heard my sister leave so it was the opportune moment to strike her secret stash of cash I was using to buy video games. As far as I know, she doesn't have a clew. So, as I passed the frames of our family on the wall and the additional restroom near our rooms I gently turned the knob to her room and slid the door open. I stood up strait and took a few steps inside.

It was always a little weird coming into my sisters room, everything was pink and feminine. Seeing as my gender differs from hers, I most certainly feel out of place. I briefly shake it off and head towards the dresser intending to open her secret compartment containing the cash. I opened the drawer and found the box in the back. After picking it up I realized it was unusually light so I opened it to find none of her money. I made a light, "Aw..." Before I heard the closet door of her room slam open as my sister abruptly appeared and tackled me from behind.

"Ah hah! I knew you were taking my money!" She smirked and hugged me tight, "That's why I got these..." Before I could see what she meant I felt her lift up my shirt and toss it to the ground. Next I felt a strange suction on my chest followed by a collar being fastened around my neck. As I moved to examine the objects which she spoke of I heard a bell ring and a machine start buzzing.

I blinked after seeing a milking machine attached to my chest and curiously stated, "A milking device?" Another surprise came when my clothes rapidly dissolved due to some unknown force  which later discovered was the collar. I blushed but the embarrassment faded as I felt my body getting shorter and softer. The hair vanished from my skin as my fingers became slimmer. My facial features twisted and changed into something much more delicate. Then my waste made a rapid change into a curvier form followed by my hips becoming wider. My sister started giggling and with a slurping sound I finally realized what was happening. I felt between my legs but all I got was a moan. "It's gone!" I shouted in a worried tone and immediately after a pair of breast popped up under the milking hoses. Just after they grew the tubes began to milk them causing somewhat of a blush and moan. The last of the changes soon came as my ears moved and developed a black fur with cow horns growing just above them just as my hair had turned white. Next a tail sprouted from the tip of my spine and cow pattern sleeves formed over my arms.

This is when my sister chimed in with a sly grin, "You've been milking my money, so I thought I'd repay the favor by milking you.
A blush spread across my face as the full force of embarrassment and a new set of emotions took a hold of me. I giggled and squealed without knowing why and gasped as more things were changing, It isn't done? I thought to myself and gave my sister a worried expression.

"Don't worry," She says in a gentle tone, "That's probably just the mental changes, all those new hormones will make you the perfect girl in no time!" She laughed at me and poked my sensitive breast.

"N-no..." I stuttered as I felt everything becoming fuzzy and faded. "I..." I had a loss of words and felt dazed.

My sister smiled, "Yes?"

I blushed and covered myself, "Don't watch sis! This is embarrassing..."

She stopped the machine and gave me a set of casual clothing which I promptly put on. Then she told me, "I'm sorry, I didn't mean to embarrass you, how about we get you a pretty new dress as payment?"

This made my unusually happy as I hugged her, "That would be great! Thanks sis!"