
Monday, September 10, 2012

Unwanted Change

     Jonathan was planning on hanging out with a group of his friends but found that only two of the girls he knew had shown up at their designated meeting location. One of them bringing her little sister. At first he didn't mind hanging out with the girls but it eventually got somewhat annoying. Their conversations usually ended with him spacing off from lack of interest. None of the topics were of his liking. However, one of the girls came up with the brilliant idea of pulling a prank on Jonathan with a magic spell they purchased on their day of fun.
     They all decided to head back to the girls house where they would surprise Jonathan with the spell and have further fun with him. When he had his back turned they cast the spell with a giggle. He gasped as his shape became soft and feminine. Small breast pushed up under his shirt and he let out a small squeal when his manhood faded away. Her light brown hair grew out and she blushed as all the girls giggled at the new female of the group.
     "Turn me back!" He pleaded but with no luck. They did however make a deal with him. Essentially he just had to play along with their little prank until they got bored, so he went along with it. He did not enjoy it...

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